Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Why Do You Call Yourself a "Happy Slob"?

I get asked this question a fair bit, so I'm going to answer it right here and now! Along with a few others...

Why do you call yourself a happy slob?
Why not? Oh okay, that's not a very helpful answer. It's because I TEND naturally to be just that - ask my Mom, she lived with my messy room as I was growing up. But, as I grew up (Hahahaha) I realized that I didn't want to be a little pig anymore. Well, as far as chocolate went, sure, but not my surroundings so much. So I taught myself little tricks to make cleaning faster and easier, so I could just get on with what I really loved to do - live!

Why did you call your cleaning site happyslob.com?
I came up with the quirky name: "The Happy Slob's Guide to Housecleaning" one day, when I was trying to figure out a title for my book. Once that title popped into my head, it was there to stay. It made me laugh, and it made cleaning seem FUN, and not like such a scary proposition. So, it may seem strange to call a cleaning website happyslob, but I dig it. :)

What is the 3 Step Solution you talk about?
Ah ha! Think of it as the key to the Happy Slob mentality. It's as easy as:
  1. Cleaning Bursts: intense 'bursts' of cleaning. You budget the time you can afford, set it on a timer and get to work. Concentrate your efforts on the impact areas in your home - the places people see the most. (I generally DON'T include my focus room in the cleaning burst, by the way.)
  2. Focus Room Cleaning: Each day, one area gets a little more attention - that's your focus room. Again, spend the time you can spend. Don't stress - just do what you can, to the best of your ability, and then relax. :)
  3. Weekly Clean-for-All: Once a week, get your family/roomies/willing friends to help out with some of the bigger jobs. Maybe it's the laundry or the floor washing (I hate that!)

Start with cleaning bursts - you'll be shocked how doing even 5 or 10 minutes a day will add up. Start with one a day and work up to two a day if you need to - one in the morning and one before bed. If, like me, you live in a small place, you'll likely be fine with just one a day.

Where can I buy your book? For now, it's only available on my website at http://www.happyslob.com. And thanks for asking, you groovy Happy Slob you.

Why are you so gung-ho about natural cleaners? I just think they're easier to work with, are healthier for us and the environment...oh, and did I mention that they're CHEAP as dirt? Baking soda and vinegar are two basics I use a lot, and I have a slightly strange obssession with lavender. But, if you really love the cleaners you're using, keep using them. Just give the natural stuff a try - you might be very pleasantly surprised.

Are you some strange clean freak? Oh, how I wish I were! I still force myself to do the cleaning bursts, focus room cleaning & clean-for-all. Some days I do a lot and think I'm great. Other days, I'm not as energetic, and I might be lucky to do one cleaning burst. Life happens! I just want people to relize that cleaning is not all or nothing - you can get a lot accomplished with a bunch of little efforts. This cleaning guide is written BY and written FOR laid back people (aka Slobbos) who'd rather be doing stuff besides cleaning.


smbwallace said...

I'm a happy slob myself. A clean home is the sign of a broken computer, and mine is working just fine, thank you!!

When I do clean I use natural cleaners like vinegar and baking soda. They're much kinder to my nose, lungs, skin, the environment and my skinny little wallet! Thank you for advancing the cause of natural cleaning, er, intermittent natural cleaning!

HappySlob said...

LOL Thanks to both of you - I appreciate your comments.

smb - :) You crazy girl you...you really ARE a happy slob like me! hehehe